
Shielding is a fantastic way to keep yourself safe, but it takes a lot of energy to power and you cannot run it constantly - this is why it’s SO important to have protection spells.

However, shielding is so useful to learn, as you can put one up when you are out and about if you suddenly feel threatened, or overwhelmed by other people’s energy.

Imagine yourself cocooned in a bubble of light that is just larger than your outstretched arm in all directions. You should be able to feel or hear it vibrate when you touch it or pay attention to it. If you do this whilst in a crowd you should be able to hear slightly less of the background noise, and feel a whole lot less of other people’s energy.

If you want to appear bigger and more protected than you are to frighten someone off, stand tall and imagine your shield is made of blinding white light that ripples with power.

If you want to slip away unnoticed, make your shield dull and dark, the colour of a shadow on a sunny day.

Shields usually last a few hours, with practice, but you can (and should) dispel them as soon as you feel you don’t need them - they are draining your energy, and they cut you off from the outside world. Shields are a useful tool, but but should not be used on a regular basis, and not for long periods of time. To dispel them, imagine the bubble popping and the residue being sucked back into you - into your hand, heart or mouth.

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